Victoria Bilski Final_8S6A3192.jpg

About the Author


All about me

In case anyone is wondering, I am wearing an Icelandic wool coat (Varma) that I bought in Reykjavik, an Icelandic sweater (a gift from my daughter)), and jeans I got at TJ Maxx, about $25 but you know, of course, reduced from $80. Boots are DSW. And if you look very closely, a hand designed ring by a Swiss artist, Anne Fischer.

Photo was taken by the very, and I mean very, talented Stan Godlewski, who I am lucky enough to know, and who happens to live nearby. We are fellow bourbon aficionados and we regularly gather at a good friend's’ house around a firepit. Bourbon goes so well with firepits.

The barn I am leaning against in is in Northford, Connecticut and I drove by it several times before I found it, which means Google maps is not perfect. The farm is called “All the King’s Horses” and the owners rescue horses no one else will deal with. And though I’m smiling in this picture, the stories of these abandoned and abused horses the owner told me about was enough to make me cry.

The day was late, rainy, cold, February. I brought with me carrots and apples so the horses would like me. Food buys love or at least attention. Stan met me there with his new puppy, Koda, a poodle and golden retriever mix that greeted me exuberantly. I want a dog, that dog.

My emotional state was nervous rugosa. Let’s just say I was a little uncomfortable having my picture taken for a book jacket. And I had been to Stan’s webpage and saw his work with the likes of Scarlett Johannson and I am no Scarlett. But Stan is a pro, and had me pose this way and that, and somehow made it all look natural.

Speaking of which, I did put on a touch of makeup for this photo, or at least Elta MD tinted moisturizer. And no, that is not the real color of my lips — it’s Sugar by Fresh (Rose), though I’m sorry I didn’t wear the Sugar by Fresh (Berry). That would have brought it all together: coat, sweater, boots, barn, Koda, horses… book. Oh well, next time, next book.

I also think I should mention, full disclosure, I am wearing Kliick glasses, made in Denmark, bought in Orange, Connecticut. Not a prop, I am very nearsighted.